Friday, June 24, 2016

Katie 6/24/16 “Garden Update”

Hey guys,

Sorry we've been MIA for... a few weeks. WE ARE ALIVE!

Since Claire is in Mexico, I've been a big slacker. Hold the rotten tomatoes, please.

To appease the masses, here is a visual update of my garden! It's doing pretty well, considering I'm battling a million earwigs and I didn't have any good ground this time last year.

Lettuce going to seed and tomatoes
Kale, peas, potatoes, young tomatoes and peppers
Look at that dead grass!
Monstrous potatoes
Can't wait till it all gets BIG
Onion, garlic, carrot, beet, rutabaga
Onion--he's getting bigger!

Squash blossoms, so cute!
Some pretty mint, makes good sun tea

Anyone want some free tomatoes or tomatillos? I have a ton!!!

Live well,