Friday, February 5, 2016

Claire 2/5/16 "Unwinding From Stress"

By Claire

If you google or pinterest “Living a Holistic Lifestyle” you can find lots of ideas on how to start. In fact, I’d recommend you do that right now! However, I am going to start focusing on a few of the most basic ways of living a holistic lifestyle starting from the bottom and working my way up. These are simple ways of starting the process that will lead you to a new way of living without a ton of stress, which is one of the reasons you should try living a more holistic lifestyle because stress is terrible on you mentally and physically.

One very important aspect of living a holistic lifestyle is learning to unwind at the end of the day, and even in the middle because this will help you to feel less stressed overall. Here are a few ways you can unwind:

  1. Read a book! I would recommend reading at least one informative book each month. This will keep you learning throughout your life and help you to become the person you want to be continually. Lately I’ve kept “The 5 Love Languages for Singles” in my backpack everywhere I go (even though it’s one more book I need to carry around on campus in my heavy backpack) and I try to read it whenever I get a free minute in between classes or wherever I am. I would also recommend reading a “fun” book at night in order to unwind, it allows you to think creatively and explore your imagination! (Both very good things if you ask me, the Creative Writing major).

In fact, I could share an essay I wrote about reading literature and why it’s so important, but I won’t because it isn’t very good. However, the gist of it is (according to my awesome Psychology major roomie: “So we’re not uncultured swine!” Basically, reading literature (and other great genres) allows us to learn, grow, and become our best selves. It shows us a side of society we might otherwise ignore. And it allows us to experience a world outside the world we know.

Why did my blog post about how to unwind turn into a lecture about why reading is good and even important? I have no idea. But I’m an English major, so that could be why.

  1. Meditate! Meditation is a great way to focus on your body physically and mentally, and even spiritually. It allows you to consolidate everything and de-stress. I try to meditate on a daily basis, as it helps me to focus on the good and get rid of the bad in my life. Even if it’s just a couple minutes here and there, meditation is great for just getting in touch with what your body wants and needs.

Here is a blog I found via Pinterest that talks about how to meditate and the health benefits of doing so. It is a great resource! (By the way, Pinterest is a great resource for all of your Holistic needs. And there are tons of blogs out there on this stuff as well, so definitely look some of them up yourself!)

  1. Last but not least on my very short list: Try yoga! Yoga is so good for all of your needs. You can literally type anything from “Yoga for flexibility” to “Yoga for stress relief” and find a video with a routine. It is the perfect (in my opinion) combination of exercise and meditation. It is one of my favorite things to do before I go to bed because it helps me to de-stress and stretch my muscles while I’m at it. It is also very relaxing. Definitely try it and let me know what you think!

This is just a short list of what I do in order to de-stress, but there are so many other ways of de-stressing that are completely holistic, and you may not even realize it! Crazy! If you have any questions or comments, leave a message below or on our facebook page. I love helping others to come into themselves and discover the benefits of living holistically. Love and light to all!

Live well,


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