Saturday, May 14, 2016

Claire 5/13/16 “Through Small and Simple Things”

By Claire

Hola! I have officially been in Mexico for two weeks as of tomorrow (and in my city as of this upcoming Sunday)! I am in love with Mexico, it is so beautiful, and the people here are wonderful and so full of love for everyone. I kind of feel like I’m back in Rexburg when I walk down the street, not because of what the street looks like, but because everyone says hello and wishes you a good day, even if they don’t know you. And when I go to church, they are always so warm and welcoming. It’s pretty amazing down here! But I’m not here to tell you about my trip, as awesome as it is. If you want to read more about my trip down here I have a blog specifically for that (including pictures!).

If there is one thing I have learned in the last couple weeks, it is patience in all things. I’ve taken many years of Spanish classes, but I was not prepared for speaking with native speakers. I imagine I feel as lost as anyone who has ever learned English as a second language in their home country and then gone to visit America. The way we speak is way less formal than how they are taught in the classroom and we talk so much faster that sometimes even though they know the words we are speaking it doesn’t really sink in. I feel that ALL the time here! Slowly and surely, I am picking it up.

Another difficult thing I am dealing with (or enjoying) is teaching English to children here in Mexico. It is hard to not judge how well I am teaching by how well-behaved the children are, or how well I keep their attention rather than how well prepared I am or how well I am learning to teach. My head teacher noticed this, which is something she struggled with in the beginning as well. It’s all in how you think: Do you judge how well your day is going by things you can’t control? Or do you judge how well your day is going by how well you are dealing with what you can control? I like to think positively in all things.

President Gordon B. Hinckley (Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the 90’s) had this to say: “The course of our lives is not determined by great, awesome decisions. Our direction is set by the little day-to-day choices which chart the track on which we run.”

So, as you go throughout this weekend and next week, remember that it is the little things, the simple things, that set your direction. Be nice to yourself. Be patient with yourself as you learn new things. And, especially if you are learning something as complex as a language, remember that it took you all your life to become proficient in your native language and you still aren’t there yet.

Live well!


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